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How to Clean Your Shower
No matter how well you wash your body, you won’t feel clean and fresh if your shower is grimy. To kill mildew and remove soap scum and mineral deposits, a regular deep clean is just what the doctor ordered.
Start by removing bathmats, shampoo bottles, and any other items. Give the tub and tiles a quick wipe-down with a wet sponge. We recommend the Brillo® Estracell® Sponge made especially for the bathroom.
Open any nearby windows and turn on exhaust fans if you have them. And don’t forget to put on gloves. You may even choose to wear a mask if you’re especially sensitive to strong smells.
To make an ammonia solution, start with 1 gallon of water and mix in ¼ cup of Brillo Parsons®. Using your sponge, wipe down the tub and shower walls with the solution and allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Use this time to get some fresh air.
Once the fumes have had a chance to dissipate, use a non-abrasive, anti-tarnish cleaning powder such as Brillo Cameo® to polish up metal shower door handles and plumbing fixtures, as well as porcelain surfaces.
Rinse all shower surfaces thoroughly.