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How to Clean Your Outdoor Spaces
Spending time outdoors doesn’t have to mean compromising your standards for cleanliness. With these tips and tricks, you can keep your outdoor space as fresh as the indoors.
Tackle trash can odor. Brillo® Steel Wool Soap Pads are perfect for heavy-duty jobs like scrubbing out metal trash cans. And, our soap pads with lemon fresh scent will keep your trash cans smelling fresh longer.
De-nastify children’s toys. Kids love to play outside, but this can be hard on their toys, which often develop foul odors and even grow mildew. To give toys a thorough clean, soak them in a bucket of diluted Brillo Parsons® Ammonia Cleaner and then scrub them down with a Brillo Estracell® No Scratch Sponge. Bacteria won’t grow on our Estracell Sponges, which makes them more sanitary.*
Give your grill a deep clean. You probably already clean your grill grates after every use. But, did you know that a regular deep clean can help extend the life of your grill and ensure it continues to cook evenly? Check out our step-by-step guide to cleaning your grill here.
Make metal furniture shine like new. Patio furniture may be out in the elements, but that doesn’t mean it has to look shabby. Use a non-abrasive anti-tarnish cleaning powder like Brillo Cameo® to help restore luster to metal furniture. It works on doorknobs, screens, and storm windows, too!
* Independent test results demonstrate that bacteria will not feed and survive on the sponge fibers of Estracell sponge material naturally. The unique cell structure rinses cleaner and dries faster, eliminating the perfect breeding condition for bacterial and fungal growth. These qualities make Estracell more sanitary.