Brillo® Estracell®
Sponge Cloth
Brillo® Estracell®
Sponge Cloth

Brillo® Estracell®
Sponge Cloth
More Sanitary Than a Cotton Dish Rag, and Wipes Better Than a Paper Towel
This sponge cloth is a thinner, larger sponge designed to be versatile, and easy to maneuver, making it the perfect tool for quick cleanups. Use it to wipe tables, counters, or even your stovetop. These Brillo Estracell Sponge Cloths are made with unique fibers that rinse 10x faster than other sponges and dry quickly, making them more sanitary than ordinary sponges.* That’s why Brillo is one of the most trusted names in household cleaning.
The Brillo Estracell sponge rinses 99.9% clean, dries quickly, and is MORE SANITARY—it won’t support bacteria growth… naturally!*
Wipes better than paper towels or and is more sanitary than cotton dish rags, so use it to wipe tables, clean counters, and help prevent cross-contamination
Recyclable and Made in the USA
* Independent test results demonstrate that bacteria will not feed and survive on the sponge fibers of Estracell sponge material naturally. The unique cell structure rinses cleaner and dries faster, eliminating the perfect breeding condition for bacterial and fungal growth. These qualities make Estracell more sanitary.
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